Flower Fields

Orange sunflower with butterfly

We’re planning for our fall season! Estimated flower field bloom dates are end of August through late September.

Enjoy the beauty of our flower fields. Cut blooms, snap photos at our prop stops, and walk through acres of flowers.

Apple Acres admission is required to visit our flower fields.

PLEASE NOTE: Sunflowers and Zinnias are agricultural crops and therefore subject to weather, growing conditions and ripening variables. We cannot guarantee that the sunflowers will bloom on a particular date, so prepare to be flexible by several days in your visit. Check our social media for the latest updates.

Woman sitting in large Zinnia Field

Bring a bit of sunshine home with you! Cut your own from our field, or purchase precut flowers in our Apple Barn.

1 Sunflower: $2.50
6 Sunflowers: $10.00
12 Sunflowers: $16.00

1 Zinnia: $1.00
6 Zinnia: $5.00
All you can fit vase or decorative bucket: $20 or $25


Professional Photographers are welcome to use Deal’s Orchard as a backdrop/setting for any portrait/commercial photography. Reservations are required for all professional photographers and need to be made at least 48 hours in advance via private Facebook message or email.

Photography Daily Fee – A one day photo shoot at the farm is $75 per day. Photographers may schedule multiple photo sessions during the day.

Photography Annual Pass – A Photography Annual Pass for the farm is $150 and is good for August-July, and includes zinnias, sunflowers, fall season, Christmas trees, and apple blossom.

Photographers must meet their clients at the entrance, walk them to the flower fields, and escort them back out. If guests wish to enjoy Apple Acres after their photos, they are required to purchase Apple Acres admission. If clients are here for only for their photo shoot and are accompanied by the photographer, Apple Acres admission is not required.

Please tag Deal’s Orchard in all posted photos on social media.

Portrait Photography is defined as, but not limited to: senior pictures, engagement, family, graduation, wedding, etc.  Commercial photography is defined as, but not limited to: catalog, fashion, advertisement, promotion, etc.